Taita Taveta teachers happy with effects of ICT on learning - paint me

Breaking Kenya News




Saturday, May 11, 2019

Taita Taveta teachers happy with effects of ICT on learning

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More than 200 teachers from 20 public secondary schools in Taita Taveta County have been trained on computer teaching and learning skills.
They were trained under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) programme, which the Africa Digital Schools Initiative started in 2016.
Mr Stephen Chacha, a mathematics teacher at Timbila Boys' in Taveta Sub-county said the integration of ICT into learning had improved students' performance.
Speaking in Mwatate on Wednesday during a training session, Mr Chacha added that his online research and lesson preparation skills had also improved.
“We noted that learning became more interesting with the introduction of ICT as a teaching aid,” he said.

“There is need for the government to introduce computer classes in all teacher training colleges and universities. They help students understand what they are taught quickly, hence improve their performance," she said.Ms Mildred Owinyo, a teacher at Voi Girls’ High School, urged the government to introduce regular refresher courses so they can keep up with the ever-changing technology.
Ms Jackline Mwambere, a teacher in Ngami High School, said the introduction of ICT helped make her biology students the best in Mwatate Sub-county.
She urged the government, through the Education ministry, to ensure all schools have computers, projectors and other such equipment.
County Digital Programme Coordinator Charles Keptai said poor network connectivity remained a major challenge in implementation of the programme.

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